What is this problem about:
Recently, This Mysql error message has appeared always in the morning. It means that there are no MySQL connections anymore. By MySQL default, idling database connections will be closed after 8 hours. So SqlAlchemy reports the error.
engine = create_engine(db_path, pool_size = 100, pool_recycle=3600)
Add the pool_recycle variable to the connection. It makes SqlAlchemy engine reconnect every 3600 seconds.
It doesn't work in the project based on Tornado and SQLAlchemy. There are many people having the same problem in the Stack Overflow. Thanks to @Lepture, he gives a solution. We can set a PeriodicCallback to ping mysql every pool recycle time, so that mysql can not go away.
I use this database.py created by Lepture to integrate Tornado and SQLAlchemy. Referring to his article Fix MySQL has gone away, I modify the part of code as blow.
from tornado.ioloop import PeriodicCallback
if pool_recycle:
# ping db, so that mysql won't goaway
PeriodicCallback(self._ping_db, kwargs['pool_recycle'] * 1000).start()
def _ping_db(self):
self.session.execute('show variables')